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阿立指南 生活指南 2022-10-03 06:10:10 168 0


感恩节的习俗The custom of the Thanksgiving

每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常。Every Thanksgiving Day, the United States up and down the country is very busy.城乡市镇到处举行化装游行、戏剧表演和体育比赛等,学校和商店也都按规定放假体息。Urban and rural town held up everywhere parades, drama and sports competition, etc, schools and shops in the body by the regulation's interest.孩子们还模仿当年印第安人的模样穿上离奇古怪的服装,画上脸谱或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。The children also imitate that year the appearance of indians on strange clothing, draw on facebook or put on a mask to the street singing, the trumpet.当天教堂里的人也格外多,按习俗人们在这里都要做感恩祈祷。The church is a special people, according to the custom people here have to do gratitude to pray.美国入从小就习惯独立生活,劳燕分飞。The United States into an independent life habit since childhood, LaoYanFenFei.各奔东西。Each rush thing.而在感恩节。But at Thanksgiving.他们总是力争从天南海北归来,一家人团团围坐在一起,大嚼美味火鸡,畅谈往事,这怎不使人感到分外亲切、温暖。They always strive to return from far apart, the family round and round round together, munch delicious Turkey, to talk about the past, this how don't make the person feel particularly kind, warm.

同时,好客的美国人也忘不掉这一天邀请好友、单身汉或远离家乡的入共度佳节。At the same time, the hospitality of americans also not forget this day invite friends, bachelor or far from home into for the holidays.从18世纪起,美国就开始出现一种给贫穷人家送一篮子食物的风俗。From 18 th century on, the United States began to appear a poor families to send a basket of food customs.当时有一群年轻妇女想在一年中选一天专门做善事,认为选定感恩节是最恰当不过的。There was a group of young women in a year to select one day special do good, think selected Thanksgiving is the most appropriate but.所以感恩节一到,她们就装上满清一篮食物亲自送到穷人家。So a Thanksgiving to them, they will mount a basket of food qing personally delivered to the poor.这件事远近传闻,不久就有许多人学着她们的样子做起来。This matter that far, and will soon have many people learn of their appearance it.

感恩节的习俗英文 简短

Now I would like to give you some details about Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.

All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest.Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.

The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes.There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.

Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings.


















Thanksgiving Day Overview 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这一天感谢他人。 Thanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day) is the United States and Canada, shared holidays, the original intent was to thank the Indians, and later people often thanks to others on this day. 自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四在这一天起将休假两天,,都要和自己的家人团聚,不管多忙都是如此。 Since 1941, the annual Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November this day onwards two holidays, we must, and their families, no matter how busy alike. 感恩节在每年11月22-28日之间,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日( holiday ),加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年11月第二个星期一,与美国的哥伦布日相同。 Thanksgiving each year between November 22-28, Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States the most authentic, the most American holiday (holiday), the Canadian Thanksgiving Day was started in 1879, is the second in November of each year Monday, the same as Columbus Day with the United States. 没有恩人的感恩节 No benefactor Thanksgiving

感恩节是美国加拿大独有的传统节日,在感恩节,许多人会满怀温情回顾移民历史。 Thanksgiving is a unique traditional festivals United States and Canada, at Thanksgiving, many people will recall with great warmth immigration history. 首批欧洲移民从英国普利茅斯出发,乘坐五月花号历经艰险,在1620年冬到达北美洲(後来他们把这个登陆点也命名为普利茅斯)。 The first European immigrants from the United Kingdom starting in Plymouth, take Mayflower overcame hardships in the winter of 1620 arrived in North America (later they named the landing point for Plymouth).

当时适逢大雪覆盖原野,寒冷饥饿令移民陷入绝境,一些人死去。 It so happened that the snow-covered wilderness, cold and hungry to make immigration into a desperate, some people die. 幸亏印第安人发现他们,并且给与慷慨援助,才绝处逢生。 Fortunately, the Indians found them, and will give generous assistance, it needed it. 第二年新移民得到丰收,大摆火鸡宴,和印第安人举杯同庆,欢宴持续三天三夜…… New immigrants to be a good harvest next year, put on a large turkey dinner, and the Indians, toast, feast lasting three days and three nights ... ...

但是人们不知道,那个纯朴好客的部落就是万帕诺亚( Wampanoag )部落,那个古道热肠的印第安人酋长就是菲力浦王的父亲——迈斯色以( Massasoit)。 But people do not know, that is the simple and hospitable tribal 10000 Pa Nuoya (Wampanoag) tribe, that is a warmhearted Indian chief King Philip's father - Mais color to (Massasoit).

1618年北美洲东岸遭受到传染病“天花”的袭击,大批土著居民死亡,一些村落荒芜。 In 1618 the east coast of North America suffered infectious diseases "smallpox" attack, a large number of indigenous deaths in some villages deserted. 酋长乐意让这些远方的来客到这些遗弃的村落安身,并与他们结为友好联盟。 Chiefs willing to allow these visitors from afar to the shelter of these abandoned villages, and formed a friendship and alliance with them. 这种兄弟情谊持续了近50年。 This brotherhood lasted nearly 50 years.

欧洲移民每年以3%的增长向北美大陆扩张,1676年,新英格兰地区已有5,2000名移民。 European immigration to 3% annual growth to expansion of the North American continent, in 1676, the New England region has 5,2000 immigrants. 移民反宾为主。 Bin-based anti-immigrant. 并以自己的文化发达先进为傲,对印第安人存有歧视轻蔑心理。 And to their own culture in advanced proud contempt against discrimination in Indian psychology. 一些商人在与古朴的土著族交往中,常常采用哄骗的手段谋取利益,让印第安人对白人日渐失去信任。 Some businessmen with the ancient indigenous tribe exchanges, often used to deceive the means to pursue their interests to have the Indians losing the trust of whites.

最初时期,对於印第安人的慷慨,殖民者会说:“Thanks Giving”;到後来,演变成你不“Giving”,我就要设法“Taking”。 The initial period, for the generosity of the Indians, colonists would say: "Thanks Giving"; to later evolved into you do not "Giving", I'll try to "Taking". 菲力浦王之战根源,在於开发利用土地资源的冲突,在没有土地所有权也就没有开发利用权的实际情况下,转变成一场争夺和维护土地所有权的战争。 King Philip war originated from a conflict, development and utilization of land resources, in the absence of land ownership there would be no development and utilization of the right to the actual circumstances, turn into a fight and maintain the ownership of land war.

北美洲的历史,似乎在揭示这样一个冷酷的规律:如果一块土地存在更有效的开发方式、能够创造更大的社会财富,那麼最终这块土地会依这种开发方式进行。 North America's history, seems to reveal a grim pattern: If a piece of land there is the development of more effective ways to create more social wealth, then the final piece of land will be developed in accordance with this manner. 文化传统、土地所有权、宗教法律、人伦道德等等都不能制止这种潜规律的运行。 Cultural traditions, land ownership, religion, law, human ethics and morality, and so the law can not stop this potential operation.

 尽管印第安人是美洲大地最古老的居民,是这块土地最原始的主人,但是要试图维护低效的、传统的土地利用方式,总归要失败的。 Although American Indians are the oldest inhabitants of the earth, is the most original masters of the land, but to try to maintain inefficient, traditional land use patterns, would nonetheless be a failure. 这种失败不以文明的方式,就以野蛮的方式。 This failure is not in a civilized manner, with regard to the barbaric way. 遗憾的是它以非常野蛮的方式表现:印第安人不仅丢失了土地所有权,又葬送了不少族人的性命,失败的苦涩,不堪回味。 Unfortunately, it is the performance of a very brutal way: the Indians not only lost the title to land, but also ruined the lives of many Serbs, the failure of bitter aftertaste bear.

当然,有人把菲力浦王之战看成印第安文化和欧洲文化之战,倾向树立基督教文明;有人把它看成是白人和土著的种族战争,意在激发民族主义情绪;有人从中找到殖民主义扩张的罪恶证据,证明反对殖民主义的正义性;还有的以这场战争中发生的严重摧残人权的行为,来揭露今天美国高举人权旗帜的虚伪性;甚至白人至上主义者也可以从中找到有色人种愚昧落後的大量例子,以支援白人种族优越论……凡此等等,都是各取所爱,试图从万花园裏采一瓣颜色,代表春天。 Of course, it was King Philip's War as the Indian culture and European culture war, the tendency to establish a Christian civilization; some people see it as white and indigenous ethnic wars, is intended to stimulate nationalist sentiment; others find Colonialism expansion of criminal evidence to prove that the justice against colonialism; Others in this war took place in the serious acts of trampling on human rights, to expose the United States today, the hypocrisy of holding high the banner of human rights; and even white supremacists can also find non-ferrous a large number of examples of racial ignorance and backwardness to support the theory of white racial superiority ... ... Unless stopped, all depicting the love, trying to adopt a color garden, 10000, on behalf of the spring.

现在回到属於人伦道德的困扰上。 Now back to one of those troubled by the ethics and morality. 感恩节宴会上应该悬挂老酋长“迈斯色以”( Massasoit)的画像,但是面对老酋长的儿子菲力浦王以及他的部落都被消灭的历史瘢痕,这感恩节怎麼个感法呢? Thanksgiving dinner should be hung old sheikh, "Mais color to" (Massasoit) the portrait, but the face of old sheikh's son, King Philip and his tribe had been wiped out the history of scar, this Thanksgiving, how does a sense of law ?

感恩节的习俗 英文怎么拼????谁告诉我!

感恩节的英文是Thanksgiving或Thanksgiving Day.

习俗:Thanksgiving Day is a festival in Canada and the United States which is pioneered by the United States.Since 1941, the annual Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, will leave in two days from this day, and their families should be, no matter how busy (except for some special positions) are true. Thanksgiving Day each year between November 22-28, Thanksgiving Day a national holiday in the United States the most truly American holiday, Thanksgiving in Canada is starting in 1879, is the second Monday of October every year , and the United States the same as Columbus Day.

Pumpkin Pudding ,English Cheese Pie ,Wild Turkey and Garlic and Onions are Thanksgiving foods.

译文:感恩节,美国和加拿大节日,由美国首创的,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,在这一天起将休假两天,都要和自己的家人团聚,不管多忙(有些特殊岗位除外)都是如此。感恩节在每年11月22-28日之间,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一,与美国的哥伦布日相同。南瓜布丁,英国奶酪派,野生火鸡和 大蒜和洋葱是感恩节的食物。

感恩节的习俗英文(感恩节的风俗英语) 第1张

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